Want your projects, stories, press releases or team to be featured in an upcoming newswire or magazine?
Email us your press release, feature, or article idea as a word document or PDF, as well as your hi-resolution photo to: Mann About Town- abaumbusch@mannpublications.com, Fashion Mannuscript- lmelchionne@mannpublications.com, or Mann Report- dhazel@mannpublications.com, with the subject line “Editorial Content”. If your submission is specifically for a newswire, please note that your submission should have a 200-word count.
Mann Publications is printed 10 times a year.
Content Deadlines:
Submission Deadlines 2024 – Will always be the second Friday of each month.
January Issue: December 8
February Issue: January 12
March Issue: February 9
April Issue: March 8
May Issue: April 12
June/July Issue: May 10
August Issue: July 12
September Issue: August 9
October Issue: September 13
November/December: October 11