Bellet Construction has been engaged by the cooperative corporation at 141 Prince Street to implement repairs mandated by the Façade Inspection Safety Program (F.I.S.P.), formerly referred to as Local Law 11/98. The seven-story masonry building was built in 1900 and is located in the Historic Soho Cast Iron District, between Wooster Street and West Broadway. In addition to five full-floor residential co-op units, the building is occupied by the celebrated Meisel Gallery at grade level.
“Despite predictable wear-and-tear to the masonry and sheer age, this building is in excellent condition thanks to a diligent co-op board,” said Wayne Bellet, president of Bellet Construction. “Nevertheless, we will consult with the Landmark Preservation Commission throughout the process to ensure every detail — from the pigment of the mortar to roof parapet repairs — comports with their requirements.”
Solomon Engineering is the engineer of record for the project.