
BOMA New York Announces New Tech Programming Series

The Building Owners and Managers Association of Greater New York’s (BOMA New York) Technology Committee is launching a new tech series, Tech Bytes, to inform, educate and showcase the latest technological tools and advances helping building owners and property managers. The first programming event is scheduled for next month.

“Since BOMA New York’s founding in 1967, we have continuously made strides to remain at the forefront of the changing commercial real estate industry,” said BOMA New York President James R. Kleeman. “This new series, Tech Bytes, is yet another means to ensure that our members are informed of the latest technological strategies and tools to best support their buildings and tenants.”

The First Program in the Series – FST Biometrics Demonstration

The Technology Committee is kicking off the series with a live demonstration from FST Biometrics on November 10, 2017. FST Biometrics will be sharing their unique In Motion Identification (IMID) Access system. The system – which seamlessly integrates with access control, security and other security systems – utilizes facial recognition and behavioral analytics to swiftly identify authorized individuals, while preventing access of unauthorized visitors. The event will include a Q&A session directly following the demonstration.

The Technology Committee

BOMA New York’s Technology Committee was founded in 2016. To learn more about the committee’s new programming series or other initiatives, please contact BOMA New York’s Technology Committee c/o Executive Director, Bobbi McGowan at

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